Support RYLA!

Become a RYLA Sponsor!

There are many reasons and ways to provide support.

Business, organizations and individuals can all support RYLA!

Supporters will be published here, throughout District 5130 and at RYLA, unless they request otherwise.


Since 2022, SolarEdge has sponsored the RYLA DANCE! Because of their generosity, the counselors are able to turn a boxcar meeting room into a bumping dance floor that is consistently reflected on being a highlight by the campers year after year!

Sending a huge thank you to AR Logistics for covering an all encompassing first-aid kit and walkie-talkies to ease communication throughout camp!

For the second year in a row, Lace House Linen has washed hundreds of camper shirts and counselor polos to get us ready for camp, saving so many hours of laundry and SO much water!

Counselor Sweatshirts 

Worn by all counselors throughout the 5-Day RYLA Camp...and for the rest of the year!

A BIG THANK YOU to Sims City Cuts and Ricky, Karagene, Karen, Gene, Cooper, Mason and Jackson Sims for your generous donation!!!

Thank you to Thunderstar Transportation & Westminster Woods for your vital support every year!


RYLA T-Shirts (2022)  $2,000

Worn by all campers & counselors throughout the 5-Day RYLA Camp...and probably everyday for the rest of their lives :-)

A BIG THANK YOU to Cesar Yanez, Rotary Club of Fort Bragg for this generous lead sponsorship!!